Yes. I've now SEEN IT ALL!
Tonight at my favourite little sushi joint, while I was enjoying a spot of sashimi moriawase and edamame, I had the opportunity to observe technology gone, quite simply, way too far.
Prior to beginning to fulfill my order (which required, I must say, the application of seven years worth of apprentice 'under' sushi chef experience in a dimly lit, but highly respected Tokyo restaurant somewhere in the Ginza) the chef took a few moments to strategically position his iPod/iPhone so that he could continue to view it throughout his task. What he was watching, I don't know - the latest sumo match results, a 'Hello Kitty' marathon, Tom Cruise in 'The Last Samurai', Yakuza Lotto? It remains a mystery - however I must say that when you can't leave your iPod/iPhone for 8 minutes of delicate slicing with your favourite ginzu then you're destined to earn the nickname 'Lefty.'
go ichi so sama desta, arigato gozai mas