These experiences have now gone, and I blame Google (maps, earth).
Before even booking my ticket to Italy, I had already travelled virtually to my destination. It wasn't simply that I had researched other people's experiences and consulted some maps of the layout of the airport and the city centers I would be visiting. No. Thanks to Google, I had actually seen and traversed the territory, albeit virtually. Going into street view, I was able to essentially exit the airport and 'look' to my left, my right. No fear, no unknown. I've been here before. Just not really.
I've just had my first cappuccino in a cafe at the Milano Centrale rail station. In just under two hours, I'll be on a fast train to Firenze, where I'll walk out of the main station, cross the zebra crossing just in front and slightly to the left of the square, head down the diagonal pedestrian walkway and arrive at my hotel, JK Place. I wonder if the tree outside the entrance will have it's Christmas decorations on display. That will be a welcome surprise.
Regardless, the delights are there (and here)!. And I'm committed to finding every single one of them.
Love, Me.
p.s. What Google Street view didn't prepare me for was the two feet of snow on the ground!
Blogging from my iPad
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